Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt
- KSOS Coordinator
- Group: Service Economics
- Phone: +49 721 608-48370
- Fax: +49 721 608-48389
- christof weinhardt ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- www.im.uni-karlsruhe.de/weinhardt
Brief CV
Christof Weinhardt received his diploma in Industrial Engineering in 1986 and his Ph. D. in Economics in 1989 at the University of Karlsruhe. He finished his Habilitation (venia legend in Business Administration) in 1994 at the University Gießen and immediately I got professor for Quantitative Methods in Business Administration at University Bielefeld for 1.5 years. Since 1995 he was awarded a full professorship for Information Systems at University Giessen. In 2000, he moved to Karlsruhe and founded the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) at the School of Economics and Business Engineering at (KIT).
Over the past 15 years his research has focused on Market Design and Engineering in numerous application areas, but mainly in the finance, energy, health care, and other services industries. On these topics he is co-editor and reviewer for numerous international journals.
Since 2009 he is the elected spokesperson for the KIT Competence Area “Technology, Culture and Society”. He is also member of the Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS) and active in other bodies of the KIT. Apart from his engagement at KIT, he is involved as a director of the Department Information Process Engineering (IPE) at the Research Center for Information Technologies (FZI) – an extra-university think tank for technology and knowledge transfer to industry. In 2008, he co-founded, and is now director of the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) which is sponsored by IBM as an “Industry on Campus” endeavour within its SSME initiative.
From 2004-2005 he was Vice Chairman of Department of ‘Information Systems’ of German Society for Computer Science (GI) and from 2005 to 2006, Spokesman of this Department. From 2001 to 2003 he held the chair of the Scientific Commission of ‘Information and Sytems’ (WKWI) of the Association of University Professors of Business Administration (VHB). In 2008 he was elected for Member (Fachkollegiat) of the Review Board of Economics and Business Administration at DFG.
In 2006 he became member of the Advisory Group of the German Industry Association (BDI) on “Internet of Energy” and since April 2010 he is member of the German Parliament’s Enquete Commission on “Internet and Digital Society” for 2,5 years counseling the German Parliament in this area.
He is a grant holder in a number of interdisciplinary research projects in cooperation with academic grant institutions such as the MWK BaWü, BMWi, BMBF, EU or DFG, and various corporate partners. During the past 6 years, Christof Weinhardt chaired the Research Training Group IME (Information Management and Market Engineering), funded by the DFG.